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A new real estate law will come into force in Turkey on September 1, 2020

A new real estate law will come into force in Turkey on September 1, 2020. It should be noted that the bill was created two years ago. But the final decision on it has been made only now. And since the beginning of autumn, it begins to act - to the undisguised joy of real estate buyers and sellers of housing in the country. The essence of the new rules According to the Turkish Ministry of Commerce, only companies with a special permit will now be able to sell real estate. That is, the fight against "black" realtors, private sellers of real estate goes to a whole new level. Only those companies that have a license to sell housing and commercial properties will be able to place ads for real estate sales. All other ads will be removed. At the same time, the property owners themselves can also sell their properties. But they will be able to place ads on special platforms only if they have supporting documents for ownership. Comment According to the president of the Istanbul Chamber of Realtors Nizameddin Ashi, the new rules are very timely, both law-abiding sellers of real estate and buyers themselves have been waiting for them for a long time. "We are glad that the law will finally be applied. This way we will protect both sellers and buyers. Quality and discipline are the main things that we will get as a result of the new rules. All illegal ads for the sale of real estate on the Internet will be removed. We will be able to control all this more carefully. And I always recommend working only with companies that have offices. Where you can come and see with your own eyes a document confirming that the company has a license, that it works officially. This is a good way to protect yourself from scammers. Those who do not have a work permit in this area will not be able to work anymore," Asha states. A security license is issued to real estate companies in Turkey for a period of five years. The certificate must be in the office and provided to visitors upon their first request. Of course, it is unlikely to be possible to end real estate fraud in a few weeks or even months. But now unscrupulous agents will have very little chance of cheating. This is especially important for foreign buyers of real estate in Turkey. Without knowing Turkish laws and language, it is quite possible to become a victim of fraudsters. Nizameddin Asha calls for vigilance, advises to select real estate only on the official websites of trusted companies, agencies with a reputation and extensive work experience. Do not believe when apartments or villas are offered at very low prices. The company for the sale of real estate in Turkey Homes turkey has all the necessary documents for any real estate transactions in the territory of the Republic of Turkey. For more than 24 years we have been selling housing, commercial properties, as well as land plots in Turkey. Only legally clean, verified objects are presented on our website. It is safe and profitable to cooperate with us.

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